Support for Family Anlar from Antakya (Turkey)

Here you are on the website for
support of the Anlar family after the earthquake disaster.


This project is completely in the sense of the dolphin energy, which often manifests itself as family energy and helps each other !!!

We, Holger Sonntag(DE) and Christa Lakatoš(HU) have founded this initiative to continue to help the family financially over the next time. We were together in 2018 in Antakya and were so warmly welcomed into the family that until today there is still contact.

… before

Rana Anlar Çuhardaroğlu and her mother Belkis Anlar had a small sweet pension in the center of Antakya from which they lived. It is now completely destroyed and so are the houses of all the relatives. Rana and Belkis have lost their little brother and son with his family in the earthquake.
We hope to alleviate the hardship of the family with our action. Therefore we ask you for a donation for this family if it appeals to you.

… after

How does it work?

You transfer an amount of your choice to an international Wise account, which we have set up. The fees for the transfer to Turkey are the lowest there.
So that the whole thing is transparent, the donors are published by name with their first name and abbreviated family name and place of residence (e.g. Sabine N. from Vienna) with the amount here in the channel and also the transfers to the Anlar family. The complete donation money goes less the transfer fees to the family Anlar to your Turkish account.


Please transfer the money to the following account:
Owner: Holger Sonntag
Institut: WISE Europe (Belgium)
IBAN: BE36 9674 3463 9481

Purpose of payment:
Anlar family earthquake – first name, first letter surname, place.


With this donation you can help quickly and unbureaucratically and you can be sure,
that the money will arrive directly there.

As a small thank you, there is for all donors
on May 20, 2023 at 18:00 o’clock ET an online cooking course via Zoom
for Turkish food from Antakya by Christa.
Please download the pdf here so you can get the ingredients in time.

Please contact me by email  email if you have donated and want to join the cooking class. Only then I can send you the zoom link to the  cooking class and everything else.

List of donors:

Barbara S. from Gera (D) – 330 Euro
Bernhard E. from Rapperswil (CH) – 100 Euro
Benjamin P. from Gera (D) – 50 Euro
Gabriela B. from Klosterneuburg (A) – 150 Euro
Damaris M. from Paretz (D) – 25 Euro
Hagen und Monika Döpfert from Lindau (D) – 400 Euro
Tobias K. from Ketzin (D) – 70 Euro
Konstanze T. from Kleinsaara (D) – 30 Euro
Ulrike und Gerd M. from Bertsdorf (D) – 50 Euro
Cornelia R from Gera (D) – 222,22 Euro
Gabriele E. from Ratingen (D) – 80 Euro
Tino K. from Gera (D) – 150 Euro
Markus S. from Hamburg (D) – 70 Euro
Susanne H. from Steinhausen (CH) – 100 Euro
Angelika K. aus CH – 500 Euro

Total amount donated:
2327,22 Euro

of which transferred
600 Euro on 07.03.2023
700 Euro on 16.03.2023
350 Euro on 13.04.2023
650 Euro on 03.08.2023

overview of banktransfers

lot of thanks from Rana and Belkis:


Translation Rana
Hugely grateful to all of you, who helped us in these difficult days, you are a blessing. There are difficult days ahead of us, we have lost our homes and our jobs. Hopefully, we’ll have it again and we are looking forward to seeing all of you there. I would love to welcome you there.


Translation Belkis Teyze
Those beautiful days, those beatiful buildings, they are gone now. We hope that we will have those nice times again. Thank you so much for the help you sent, may God keep you well. Kisses to you all.

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